Quick Guide on How to Call Companies

Quick Guide on How to Call Companies

Japanese companies call candidates by phone to announce interview results or appointments. E-mail is quite uncommon, so you might need to pick up the phone yourself when you need to change the schedule or have any questions.

Let’s go over the basics, so you know how to answer the phone.

Calling to ask a question

Thank you for calling. (Company name) speaking.

Candidate: わたくし、〇〇大学だいがく〇〇学部がくぶの〇〇ともうします。採用さいようけんでご連絡れんらくさせていただきました。お手数てすうおかけしますが採用さいようのご担当者様たんとうしゃさまをおねがいしてもよろしいでしょうか。
I am (full name) from (university)(department). I call regarding the recruitment. May I ask who is in charge of recruitment?

Reception: わかりました。いまおつなぎしますので少々しょうしょうまちちください。
I understand, please wait a moment as we connect you.

Candidate: よろしくおねがいいたします。

You are speaking with (name) from recruitment.

I am sorry for the interruption. I am (full name) from (university)(department). I am currently looking for a job, and would like to ask something regarding your open position, is now a good time?

Recruiter: もちろん、いいですよ。
No problem.

Candidate: ありがとうございます。(Question)
Thank you. (Question)

Recruiter: (Answer)

Thank you for your answer. I could understand.

Recruiter: ほかにご質問しつもんはありますでしょうか。
Do you have any further questions?

Candidate: 大丈夫だいじょうぶです。おいそがしいところお時間じかんいただきありがとうございました。それでは、つづきよろしくおねがいいたします。失礼しつれいいたします。
I am ok. Thank you very much for taking the time even though you must be busy. Goodbye (or rather the obligatory “please take good care of me in the future and sorry for hanging up first”).


Thank you for calling. (Company name) speaking.

I am in your debt (standard greeting). I have an interview today at (time). I am (full name) from (university)(department). I am calling regarding the time of the interview. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but could you connect me with the (name and/or position)?

Reception: わかりました。いまおつなぎしますので少々しょうしょうちください。
I understand, please wait a moment as we connect you.

Candidate: よろしくおねがいいたします。

You are speaking with (name) from recruitment.

I am in your debt. I have an interview today at (time). I am (full name) from (university)(department). I am at (station name) right now but due to an accident, the train was stopped. It looks like I will only make it to your company around (new arrival time), what should I do?

Recruiter: (Follow the guidance of the recruiter.)

Candidate: 承知しょうちいたしました。おいそがしいところご迷惑めいわくおかけしてもうしわけありません。つづきよろしくおねがいいたします。失礼しつれいいたします。

Returning a call

Thank you for calling. (Company name) company speaking.

I am in your debt. I am (full name) from (university)(department). I received a call earlier, is X the person in charge of recruitment there?

Reception: わかりました。いまおつなぎしますので少々しょうしょうちください。
I understand, please wait a moment as we connect you.

Candidate: よろしくおねがいいたします。

You are speaking with (name) from recruitment.

I am in your debt. I am (full name) from (university)(department). I am calling back because it seems I received a phone call earlier.

Recruiter: (Follow the guidance of the recruiter.)

Candidate: つづきよろしくおねがいいたします。失礼しつれいいたします。

What to keep in mind

Using the above examples allow you to get in touch with the right person and clearly state your intentions. Once connected, listen closely to what the other person is saying, don’t hesitate to ask when you don’t understand something, and you will soon notice that filling in the blanks will get easier and easier.

Just from these three examples, you can see that there is a fixed pattern for making phone calls. Remember those phrases you can use all the time, and adapt the remaining contents to your needs.

Did you notice how the greeting of the candidate changed? When you talk to someone for the first time, you can just introduce yourself or use 「おいそがしいところすみません」 as a greeting. If you talk to someone you have talked with before or works for a company you are in touch with then 「おせわになっております」 is the proper greeting, as it conveys gratitude for the ongoing connection.

Also have your phone number handy, in case they want to call you back. The person you are trying to reach might not be available at that moment.

READ ON  How to answer the phone when HR is calling.

Covering all possible questions here is beyond the scope of this article, but if you need help with phrasing your questions, leave a comment or send us a message.

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After traveling around for a while, I found my home in Tokyo. Now working in Shinjuku and discovering something new about Japan every day.