These professional qualifications are recognized in Japan. For many professions it is necessary to have a certificate that proves your expertise to get a job. Unfortunately, due to differing standards between countries, many are organized...
Ready to start your life in Japan! But what to take with you? While some things like your passport are essentials, there are things you can easily get directly in Japan. We made a list...
Over 50% of online content is in English. In the global IT world, English is a basic requirement for most – but English skills remain curiously absent in many Japanese offices. Let’s take a look...
After getting a job in Japan there is one more hurdle to overcome: receiving your Certificate of Eligibility and working visa. In Japan the company can take care of most of it for you, but...
A picture on resumes is a must in Japan. Without one the application may be discarded altogether because it doesn’t comply with the standard requirements. This article introduces what to look out for and where...
Eventually, everyone who wants to stay in Japan long term is going to need a job. Sure, the language has its challenges, but really how hard can it be, right? The Problem Even among foreigners...
The Japanese recruitment system with its strict recruitment schedules seems strange to many foreigners. But while the rules may seem arbitrary at first sight, a look into the past shows the path that the Japan...
Taxes and insurance payments far too often are mystery to the brave souls venturing to build a life in Japan. Imagine the surprise when you notice that after finally having settled in and just starting...
Which programming languages get you good jobs in Japan? The demand for IT specialists and programmers is high in Japan, but it isn’t always easy to find information on which skills Japanese companies are looking...
When job-hunting in Japan it pays off to understand the Japanese employment system. Insurance coverage, benefits, and more, all vary based on which type of employment contract you get. On top of that, whether you...
How to find a job in japan? Of course, a quick Google search will show some sites with job offers, but is that really the best option for you? Scroll down for four ways to...
Japanese people bow, a lot. It seems as natural to them as does walking, but to little surprise, strict etiquette rules are at work here. If in doubt bow 30 degrees. How respectful your bow...
Japanese companies call candidates by phone to announce interview results or appointments. E-mail is quite uncommon, so you might need to pick up the phone yourself when you need to change the schedule or have...
The worst thing to happen during an interview is getting a question and not knowing how to answer. To prevent this, it’s a good idea to prepare answers to common questions and learn typical question...
Qualified, motivated, and ready for the job. But wait, how well-versed are you in the etiquette of Japanese job interviews? From how to take of your coat to giving a concise self-introduction, this article shows...