Everyone knows companies like Sony, Nintendo, Rakuten, or Google. Big, international companies are often more open to hiring foreigners and tend to gel better with the cultural background of international candidates. But because these......
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Finding a job in the Japanese IT industry
Working in IT in Japan? It may sound complicated, but with a bit of experience and decent communication skills, it’s very much doable. In the final entry in our three-part article series, a career...
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Finding a Job in Japan’s Hospitality Industry
How easy is it to find a job at a hotel or traditional inn in Japan, and how do you go about it? We asked a nationally certified career consultant at Linguage Japanese Language...
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News from Japan #01
What impact will the Coronavirus have on job seekers? How many of them have been successful regardless of the pandemic? And are masks making a comeback in stores? This week, we’re looking at Japanese...
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5 Unusual Japanese Recruitment Strategies
Searching for a job isn’t easy, but there are many companies that struggle with recruiting as well. Find out about some unconventional ways in which Japanese firms try to find the right people. Standing...
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Is it easy to get a Job in Japan?
The job market in Japan is opening up to foreigners. But how much competition should you expect, and how many options are you likely to have? We looked at some surveys to give you...
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