As a super-aged society, Japan is currently facing a severe shortfall in IT engineers. To address this issue, the country is now turning to foreign talent to introduce their IT expertise and knowledge to the...
The complicated set of rules of Business Japanese can easily lead to verbal slip-ups. Between all the different forms of polite speech, there are a lot of (seemingly innocuous) expressions that you should be careful...
Interpersonal relations, especially with your boss, can make or break a job. According to job board provider en Japan, around one in four employees lists not getting along with their coworkers as one of the...
Everyone knows companies like Sony, Nintendo, Rakuten, or Google. Big, international companies are often more open to hiring foreigners and tend to gel better with the cultural background of international candidates. But because these companies...
What’s the best company for your first job in Japan? Every year, Japanese job seekers are asked this question. In this article, we go over survey results published in late 2020 and early 2021. Many...
You’re writing a business e-mail in Japanese, type in ありがとうございます, and 有り難う御座います comes up as an option. Polite Japanese means more kanji, so you should use that one, right? Nope! In this article, we go...
Podcasts are a great way to get familiar with natural Japanese. In this article, we introduce you to some of our recommendations for different language levels. Let the Japanese wash over you and soak up...
You just started your job in Japan, and it’s time for your first presentation – all in Japanese. Even if you don’t have trouble speaking in front of people in general or have had some...
Every year, a good chunk of Japan’s population experiences a seasonal mood slump called May sickness. In this article, we look at the causes, symptoms, and prevention measures for this (mostly harmless) phenomenon. What is...
Freelancing in Japan as a non-Japanese requires a whole bunch of paperwork – but it’s possible. Check out this guide if you’re thinking of working in Japan, but don’t like the idea of being tightly...
How is Japanese workplace culture different from US-influenced “international” business culture? In this article, we look into the five main aspects and what you can do to reduce frustration and adapt well. When in Rome,...
Is it possible to work in Japan and maintain a good balance between work and other parts of your life? In this article, we look into how things currently are and the change that’s on...
In this article, we summarize the entry restrictions currently in place in Japan. Find out if you can get a visa, what documents you need to prepare and what you have to do before leaving...
Finding an open position is one thing. But what do Japanese companies expect from a written application? And how do you write one? In this article, we provide background information, an example and a free...
Finding a job in Japan from abroad used to be hard – but things have changed. In this article, we introduce some ways how you can find work in Japan from India. For some of...