Business Japanese Vocabulary for your Resume
by Madelaine
Finding the right words to describe what sets you apart is an important aspect of a good resume. Especially if you write in a foreign language knowing the right expressions can greatly change the impact your application will have on the recruiters.
When I wrote my first resume in Japanese I was lacking vocabulary. I could barely read half the kanji on the template but with some educated guesses one can figure out what to put where.
The real issue was that I had little idea how to put my thoughts into logical Japanese texts. There was also the added difficulty of limited space, leaving little room for long-winded explanations.
Long story short, I wished I had an easy way to find the words I needed, so here is a vocabulary list for everyone who might feel the same.
Resume Format Vocabulary
- 履歴書 (rirekisho) – resume (details)
- 職務経歴書 (shokumukeireisho) – resume for work experience (details)
- 氏名 (shimei) – full name
- 生年月日 (seinengappi) – date of birth
- 現住所 (genjuusho) – current address
- 連絡先 (renrakusaki) – contact address (if you are away from home for a while)
- 学歴 (gakureki) – academic background
- 職歴 (shokureki) – work experience
- 免許 (menkyo) – license; permit
- 資格 (shikaku) – qualification
- 志望動機 (shibou douki) – reason for application
- 自己PR (jiko PR) – self-promotion (think of yourself as a product to sell)
- 特技 (tokugi) – special skill
- 長所 (chousho) – strength
- 短所 (tansho) – weakness
- 健康状態 (kenkou joutai) – health condition
- 通勤時間 (tsuukin jikan) – commuting time
- 給料 (kyuuryou) – salary
- 勤務時間 (kinmu jikan) – working hours
- 勤務地 (kinmuchi) – work location
- 配偶者 (haiguusha) – spouse; partner; dependent
- 本人希望記入欄 (honnin kibou kinyuu ran) – field for applicants wishes
READ ON Guide to writing a Japanese resume
Words for Writing Resume
Useful Nouns
- 貴社 (kisha) – your company (respectful expression used in written language)
- 他社 (tasha) – other company(s)
- 業界 (gyoukai) – industry
- 職種 (shokushu) – profession
- 分野 (bunya) – field
- 知識 (chishiki) – knowledge
- 能力 (nouryoku) – ability
- 以上 (ijou) – end (written at the bottom of you work history)
Useful Verbs
- 応募する (oubo suru) – to apply
- 志望する (shibou suru) – to wish; to desire
- 取り組む (torikumu) – to work hard on; to tackle a problem
- 勤務する (kinmu suru) – to work
- 務める (tsutomeru) – to work (for); to be employed (at)
- 感銘を受ける (kanmei wo ukeru) – to be impressed (by)
- 魅力を感じる (miryoku wo kanjiru) – feel fascinated (used when explaining what appeals to you)
- 重視する (juushi suru) – to emphasize
- スキルを磨く (sukiru wo migaku) – improve (one’s) skills
- 抜擢される (batteki) – to be selected
- 貢献する (kouken suru) – to contribute
- 〇〇を生かす (wo ikasu) – to leverage; to utilize
- 任される (makasareru) – to be entrusted with
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Useful Characteristics
- 協調性 (kyouchousei) – cooperativeness
- コミュニケーション能力 (comyunication nouryoku) – communication skill
- 向上心 (koujoushin) – ambition; desire to improve oneself
- 責任感 (sekininkan) – sense of responsibility
- 気配り (kikubari) – attentiveness
- リーダーシップ (riidaashippu) – leadership
- 計画性 (keikakusei) – planning ability
- 好奇心 (koukishin) – inquisitiveness
- チャレンジ精神 (charenji seishin) – can-do spirit; ready to take on a challenge
- 慎重 (shinchou) – careful; prudent; discreet
- 思いやり (omoiyari) – consideration, thoughtfulness
- 努力家 (doryokuka) – hardworking person
- 忍耐力 (nintai ryoku) – perseverance
- 行動力 (koudou ryoku) – ability to take action
- 思考力 (shinkou ryoku) – ability to think
- 創造力 (zouzou ryoku) – creativity
- 積極性 (sekkyokusei) – assertiveness
- 段取り力 (dandori ryoku) – planning skills
- 発想力 (hassou ryoku) – inventiveness; expressiveness
- 素直さ (sunaosa) – honesty
- 先回り力 (sakimawari ryoku) – ability to anticipate
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If you think there is something missing here, or you cannot find the word you are looking for, let me know in the comments!
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